Barefoot 1

Friday, July 18, 2014

August is Coming


Summer is flying by.  We have had a fairly calm week at our house.  Nathan got a fever that turned out to be an ear infection, Bekah threw up our first night home, Julia had nightmares all night one night so she slept by our bed, Jeff has been rebuilding our fence that blew down in the spring, the girls went to the dentist, and now we are packing for our next adventure.

Yesterday Mardel had their annual 20% off education and curriculum sale, so Jeff and I went and bought almost all of our school books for the coming school year.  I had already started making out our schedule for the semester with some of our books, and now we have our math, science and phonics ready to go.  When I get the books for the school year, I spend days pouring over them, figuring out what I like, don't like, whether I think the girls will understand or not, and this year, I have teacher's manuals, so it gives me extra activities we can do without me having to come up with the idea!  I am almost completely ready for this semester.  We are waiting for a few books we had to order at the store, and when they come in, hopefully I will be ready to get moving.  Julia wants to do school this year, so I got her some papers to do while the girls are busy with their school.

On a side has been under 75 degrees the past 2 days here in TEXAS, in JULY!  Who would have known we would ever get the chance to open our windows to cool off the house in the middle of summer.

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