Barefoot 1

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Little Tid Bits

There are just a few things that the girls are doing that are new and sometimes exciting:

Rachel has said lots of words but for those words with 2 or more syllables she only used the first one. This was fairly difficult to try to figure out what she was saying. Luckily in the past few days she has started to use 2 syllables for the words that have at least 2 syllables. Toby now actually sounds like Toby.

Rachel's new favorite food is an orange. I've bought the small oranges called cuties recently, so she asks for them often.

Rebekah is crawling everywhere and pulls up on anything she can find, even if it's just Rachel's stool. So far, she is the shorty of the family coming in somewhere between the 50th and 75th percentile for height. She has 7 teeth and had 3 new teeth within 9 days (I think). She learned to wave at people, although she waves mostly at things she likes (i.e. the Christmas tree). She's even able to wave with both hands now.

In the last week Rebekah has eaten several new things. I gave her some of my orange the other day. She's also eaten a few crackers on her own. I also bought the Gerber veggie puffs to see if we could have a snack for her to eat on her own. I probably won't buy them again, but it was a good food to begin experimenting what she can eat by herself.

We are getting ready for Christmas and Rachel is excited. She likes her ornament and each ornament belongs to someone. We are hoping for a good Christmas with our families, though we are unsure of what it will bring. Please pray for my aunt who is battling cancer and it seems to be spreading and she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Thursday.

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