Barefoot 1

Monday, August 31, 2009

Little Girl vs. Sidewalk

The other day when Jeff took the girls for a walk he let Rachel walk/run at the end. While I was inside I started hearing some crying/screaming coming from outside, but it's rarely our children. Sure enough, it was Rachel crying. Apparently she stopped running to look at Jeff and when she started running again she tripped over her shoe. Darn those shoes. Maybe she'd do better without them.

Her face was swollen the next day, but she did okay with it. Most of the scab has come off and it is healing nicely. Right now all 4 of us are fighting colds that I hope are just colds and don't turn into something more.

Jeff has finished his first week of school and is geared up for this week. We're not quite back into a regular routine, but we're getting there. I decided not to post the picture of his first day on facebook, but it works nicely here. He took his picture himself on his Macbook at school since I wasn't awake to take it for him!

1 comment:

H Noble said...

So sorry about the booboo! Its hard when little ones are hurting, but she'll get through it. Hope the colds go away soon!