Barefoot 1

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Libraries are Lifesavers

Well, after a rough start this morning (Rebekah woke up at 6:45 and spit up all over me, her, and the couch 5 minutes after Jeff left, and Rachel was awake when we finished our quick bath), the day has gone okay.

I found that toddler story time at the library was this morning at 10:30, so I decided to try it. Even though Rachel sat in my lap while I was holding Bekah the whole time. She didn't try to interact with anyone and there weren't enough crafts to go around, so we didn't make one. I don't know that I'd call it a success, but it was definitely a change of pace. I decided to splurge on a free sandwich at Arby's and we came home.

The girls both got naps and I got to talk to a couple of friends to make the day even better! Now all that's left is to go to Junior High at church for a couple hours. At times it feels like our life is completely crazy, but for the past couple of weeks, we haven't had lots of activities on our calendar. Fear not my friends, the activities and busyness will soon return! Look for more interesting posts on the lives of the loquacious Lehmanns!