Barefoot 1

Friday, May 1, 2009

Lucky in Life

It's so amazing to have two children. I thought it was going to be extremely difficult. Don't get me wrong, it's stressful at times, because I'm not in control. Not being in control is difficult to admit since I like to be in control of everything. It's something that I am still working on. Things go much better during the day when I realize I can't control when Rebekah sleeps and Rachel decides to throw a fit.

Things around here have been stayin fairly busy, but we're doing well, and hope to finalize some of our summer plans. We are looking forward to the end of school for Jeff to have a break and so that we can spend some time with him. I feel completely lucky to have him home during the summer.

The girls are growing like weeds. Rachel is starting to talk more intelligably, even though I still can't understand most of what she says. She has even learned to buckle things, so she always re-buckles Rebekah's car seat after we get home. It is very sad however that she is starting to only take one nap a day. I'm still not sure of how I want to handle this, so she still gets put down for 2 naps.
Rebekah is growing and changing every day. Rebekah is cooing and smiling at us often. She has even slept from 9 until 7 3 different times, though not in a row. I'm starting to get used to sleeping all night, so it's hard when she wakes up. Well that's all I can think of for now, so from our house to yours, have a great weekend, and don't forget your mothers next weekend!!!

1 comment:

H Noble said...

So cute- love Rachel's pigtails and the smiling Rebekah is adorable!