Barefoot 1

Monday, May 11, 2009

Longing for summer

Okay, so after today there are only 17 days of school left. Now lets break it down. The last 4 days are exams, and 2 days the week before are senior exams, so we're down to 11 school days. If you need to take time to prepare your students for their final exams you should probably spend 2-3 days on that. This Friday Physics is going to Six Flags, with that said there are only 7 days of school left.
We can't wait for summer. We are hoping to go to the waterpark in our neighborhood more than last year and hang out as a family. We are also starting a new care group/home team with families from our church, so we have a little bit of planning to do and will be busier than we 1st anticipated. I will also be doing a Bible study at a friend's house in Sachse on Tuesday evenings that starts after Father's Day. It never fails that no matter how much you think you're going to get to relax during the summer, plans always change and you end up with 2 or 3 times as many plans than you had in mind. I'm sure we would enjoy getting to go on vacation, but we don't know if we'll have the time or the money.

The girls are growing fast. We even took the girls to the doctor last week for their 2 month and 18 month well visit.

Rebekah smiles a lot and talks to you just before she spits up a lot! She will even watch you as you walk by. She weighs 11 lb 12 oz (75%) and is 23.5 in (90%) tall.
Rachel is becoming more of a toot each day. She knows she's cute and still runs away when she knows she's disobeying. She is talking more and it's such a blessing that her 2-3 most used words are "please" and "thank you." She weighs 23 lb 13 oz (40%) and is 33 3/4 in (95%) tall.

1 comment:

H Noble said...

Oh, busy busy! Its a good life, though, isn't it? Who is in your new care group???