Barefoot 1

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Loose Britches

Yesterday I was getting Rebekah up from one of her naps and all of a sudden, Rachel appears in the doorway with her pants around her ankles. It got me thinking about her clothes. Most of the clothes in our house come from people giving us things or from us buying clothes at a consignment sale/shop. In my head Rachel has tons of clothes. She probably has at least 15 pairs of pants (sweats, jeans, knit, corduroy).

What I find interesting is that I'm quite picky about the jeans that I wear. Of Rachel's 15 pairs of pants, about 5 of them are jeans, and to be honest, none of them fit her well. At least 2 of them look like boys pants and are huge and baggy. Another is a size 3T, so they're a little big in the waist and a little too long, but come March, they'll fit great. It must be nice to not worry about the clothes you wear. She doesn't have to pick them out, wash them, buy them, try them on, etc.

Funnily enough, I discovered that she unsnapped and unzipped her pants in order to pull them down. Well, I guess we're on to a new phase in to keep your child's clothes on.

Just a little update on Rebekah....She CRAWLING!! She's getting a little faster each day. She's keeping me on my toes to keep things she shouldn't have off the floor. Today Rachel and I were putting new books on the shelf in Bekah's room, and since Rebekah wanted the books, I put her in her crib. A couple minutes later I turn around and she's standing up in her crib! Ahh! After Rachel and I finished with the books, I took Rebekah out of her crib so that I could lower the mattress. Her mattress is now on the lowest possible level. Hopefully she won't learn to climb out of the crib. She does seem to be more adventurous than Rachel, so I may be in for a wild ride! Hang on to your seatbelts.


Anonymous said...

:) :) :)

H Noble said...

A new adventure every day, isn't it? I'm right there with you on the pants too. I know what kind of pants fit Eli best, but since I don't buy them myself, I'm at the mercy of gifts and consignment finds. Oh, well, like you said they don't seem to care much.