Barefoot 1

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tee Tee in the Potty

Okay, so we've tried a few times to get Rachel to use the real potty and her new potty that's her size and she loves to sit on it. The only problem is that she's never gone in it. One time she did sit on it for a long time, and since she was sitting patiently I decided to use the restroom. Right after I sat down, she got up to come find me and peed on the floor right in front of me! So close!
Since she just turned 2 a month ago, we haven't been pushing too much, but tonight she said something that made us indicate she needed to go. She sat on the potty for a while, and then we read a book, and then she asked me to go potty. In order to prevent the first accident, I put her in view of me. (Side note: It's hard to deal with not going to the restroom by yourself when you have kids, but you do what you've got to do) After I went to the bathroom and was going to wash my hand, she said "more, more," and not knowing what she was talking about, I looked in her potty, and found yellow at the bottom of the potty! I was very excited, and she even clapped for herself.
The only problem is that Jeff and I haven't discussed what potty training looks like for us, whether we do the "potty dance", or if we give her candy rewards or what. If anyone has suggestions let us know.

Rachel sitting on the potty (not today)

1 comment:

H Noble said...

The potty we bought came with stickers, so I think we'll go that route. Best advice we've heard is to not push it. First day we had it, I showed it to Eli, he took the seat off, stood in the base and peed. Success? I counted it as one and put a sticker on the back of the seat, that is after I cleaned the pee off of his feet. :)