Barefoot 1

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ladies at Prayer

I think this is the name of a ministry at our church where ladies get together and pray over any prayer needs of the church. Well, in my most humble opinion, I think they need to create a Toddlers at Prayer group. Yes, I mean for 2-4 year olds to pray together. Of course I don't really think this will happen, but my almost 2 year old does it.

When we sit down at the dinner table, she grabs our hand and says "Pray," and she'll sit there until one of us takes her hand and prays. Most of the time she doesn't hold our hand the whole time and kind of stares at us, not that we always look at her, so we don't really know what she understands.

Well, that leads me to what happened this evening. After dinner I was sitting by the computer holding Rebekah and Rachel decided she wanted Bekah to pull her hair, because she thinks it's funny. Then she tried to grab her hand and hold it, and when Bekah let her hold it, she said pray, bowed her head, and started talking as if she was praying! It was very hard not to laugh at her and yell at Jeff to come see (he was outside working on the car). I had to go tell Jeff what had happened. I think it's hilarious that she did it and at the same time I am in awe of how much our actions are being played out in our 2 year old. I just really hope the Lord draws her to Himself at an early age and that she will always have the desire to serve and honor Him. What an amazing thing to be the stewards of!

(By the way, and not that it matters, but I say she's 2 because it's not easy to think and say that she's 22 months.)

Oh, and a little update on Rebekah! She can sit up! We think she's been sitting up for a week or two, but we didn't let go of her and she would always lean back b/c we were touching her back. She's getting pretty good at it, but I think she knows we'll hold her if she falls, so she doesn't make much of an effort.

1 comment:

H Noble said...

Glad Rachel is feeling better, and that is adorable that she is praying! They really do pick up on so much more than we give them credit for sometimes.
Look at Rebekah grow!