Barefoot 1

Friday, May 22, 2009

Once Upon a Time in a Far Away Land

The other day as I was on my way home from a play date in Allen, I drove by several of our friends' homes. As I drove by, I thought of our relationships with these different people and tried to say a little prayer for them. I drove by the homes of friends from college that we don't see any more, some friends who moved to West Texas and we miss very much, an older couple in the church whom we respect, and some other friends who attend a different church. I realized it made me sad that we don't keep up with friends as much once they aren't around at church or nearby anymore.

Rachel and Eli

Most people will tell you that long distance relationships don't work. In dating situations I completely understand, but in friendships, if you have a close enough relationship you will find a way to stay in touch. It has become much easier in the technology age where you can communicate through email on a cell phone. While we miss our friends who have gone out our lives, we also understand that you have to make new friends sometimes.

Since moving into our neighborhood almost 2 years ago we have tried to get to know our neighbors which has been somewhat successful. We are still working to build better relationships with them, but we are glad that we know their names. We also just started a home team/care group at our church. We know the couples superficially, but are looking forward to getting to know them better. Most of the couples don't know each other either, so we are excited that we are the catalysts in the process.

Please be in prayer for us as we attempt to get our care group off the ground. We have asked to start working with our Junior High as leaders and have been given the green light, so we will be adventuring into that in the next couple of weeks. Our summer is becoming quite busy and we'd like you to be praying for us, just as we would like to be praying for you in whatever is going on in your life.

In Christ's Love,

Jeff and Teri

1 comment:

H Noble said...

Oh, thanks Teri! Sweet picture of our babies, isn't it? We miss you all too and are excited about the new opportunities you have this summer!